
What is Spectra Vision?

The SpectraVision

When our body is depleted, overactive, or has “stuck energy”, it has a hard time healing. There is a wonderful tool that we can use to read the energy in the body. We can then give the body substances to help it move the energy in a more positive flow. 

The SpectraVision, is a machine and software that allows us to scan the body and get a reading of the energy flow. This will help us identify many important things. First, we can learn the organ the body is sending the most energy to at this time. This is called the “organ of involvement”. We can also learn what flower essence would help with the emotional component the body is dealing with at any given time.We can find the top polycrest that can help the energy of the body. This is a homeopathic remedy that has multiple uses. Finally, we will look at the

Xenbiotics. This is an overview of body and mind. It looks at toxins, physiological responses and the reactivity of the body (Wolley, 2015). 

Once we have these, we can move to a system called Single Point Testing. We test the meridian points on the hands or feet to see which ones are balanced or which ones may have too high, too low, or “stuck” energy. A low reading indicates high resistance along the meridian or a blockage to the flow of energy, and a high reading indicates a low energy flow to the meridian (Wolley, 2015). This shows that there is inflammation or stress issues that are affecting this meridian. You do not want too high or too low of a reading. Both are representing an imbalance in the body. When we are doing point testing, we are measuring the flow of energy through the meridian points. We are not testing the actual organs themselves. 

The different readings the SpectraVision will give are as follows: 

  •  A balanced meridian which is between 46-56 with 50 being optimal (Wolley, 2015). . 

  • An inflamed point which is anything over 56. This indicates an inflamed response . Testing this point irritated an already irritated meridian. The body is already in a stress position and can not handle the additional stress that testing the point caused (Wolley, 2015). . 

  • A weak or fatigued point. This is anything 43 or below. This indicates that the energy is low in the body at that meridian point. If it drops off quickly this means that the body can not handle the incoming stress (Wolley, 2015). . 

  • A “stuck” or blocked point. If the score is flat and does not go up or down, usually around 35, it indicates a blocked meridian. It may sound like a “sick cow”. (Wolley, 2015). 

One of the most crucial  pieces of information that we obtain from a single point channel test is the indicator drop (Wolley, 2015). This is how far and fast the energy falls on a meridian point. This tells us how well a system is functioning and what is in the greatest need of support. Thus, we as practitioners are looking for the meridians with the most significant falls. We now can move on to balancing the meridian points so that they have optimal energy flow. 

The first thing we need to do is stop the “drop” (Wolley, 2015).  We want to use a Genophasic product from New Human to try and help the organ of involvement that was indicated in our initial scan. Sometimes we need other products to help in the process. 

Now we open the lymph. Testing the lymph stations helps us to get a picture of the overall potential for toxicity of the body (Wolley, 2015). The lymphatic system is the transporter of lymph fluids back to the blood. It also transports absorbed fats from the small intestines to the blood and helps aid our body’s immune response to pathogens. When we open the lymph, we aid the body in building its immunity, detoxify, and allow energy to flow more freely. This is a crucial step to Energetic Wellness and using Bionics properly (Wolley, 2015). 

.   There are many things that can block or cause congestion in our lymphatic system. According to Wolley (2015), it is best to avoid these as much as possible:

  • Poisons, pesticides, chemical, plastics, food additives

  • Infections- chronic viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites

  • Emotional Distress- too much worry, anger, stress, lack of love, the need to protect

  • Lack of Exercise- lethargy and exhaustion

  • Lack of adequate Spring water (40 ounces a day minimum)

  • Drinking distilled water depletes the body of minerals

  • Improper Diet- packaged food- high carbohydrates-bakery items

  • Sugar- extremely damaging to the immune system

  • Excess- protein, carbohydrates, milk, dairy products, soy, low minerals

  • Dental Procedures- extraction of wisdom teeth, metal fillings, root canals, mercury etc. 

  • Titanium or Nickel -pins-bridges-plates-partials

  • Surgeries- Loss of adenoids and tonsils - increase challenges detoxifying upper lymphatics

  • Hysterectomies - increases challenges in detoxifying the lower and peripheral lymphatics

We can use different lymph products from New Human that are specifically made to assist the lymphatic system. We test these different products against the lymph meridian point to see which one balances this point.  These products are a form of homeopathy. They are able to make vital shifts in the lymphatic system because they go right into the lymphatic system and bypass the liver by putting drops going under the tongue (Wolley, 2015). When using this route, we do not use the digestive system; thus, we do not have to break anything down, and it is available at the cellular level. This helps the body make incredible shifts. 

We now use our SpectraVision laser to imprint on the ear. This helps reestablish the energy flow in the body. We will then imprint the Geno and other products that we use to balance the meridians with the exception of the lymph products. This protocol has amazing health benefits. It makes incredible energy shifts in the body.  

He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

-Thomas Carlyle